
There are 107 towns in Finland, but none of them equals Hämeenlinna, the only town with an ideal combination of nature and culture, everything nicely and easily within your reach.

Pariskunta seisoo näköalatasanteella ja katselee edessä aukeavaa kesäistä järvimaisemaa. Pariskunta seisoo Aulangon näköalatasanteella ja katselee edessä aukeavaa kesäistä järvimaisemaa.

Nature Reserve Aulanko

In Aulanko you can admire one of the Finnish national landscapes from the top of Aulangonvuori Hill, see an English-style manor garden and explore the adjoining forests and ponds.

Keskustan läpi kulkevan vesistösillan yllä näkyvät revontulet Vesistösillan yllä olevat revontulet iltamaisemassa

Easy Hämeenlinna

Hämeenlinna is only an hour away by car or by train from the largest cities in the Southern Finland as well as the airports in Helsinki, Turku and Tampere.


Our picks for you

Hämeen linna kesällä

The medieval Häme Castle by the shore of Lake Vanajavesi

The castle was built in the end of the 13th century. Häme Castle and its surroundings castle peninsula are a unique cultural destination. Häme castle is open for visitors all year round.

pariskunta seisoo käsi kädessä Aulangon näköalatasanteella

Hämeenlinna Top 10 places to visit!

We have listed the top 10 things to do and see in Hämeenlinna. Here is a bucket list in a city with rich history and culture, natural attractions and outdoor activities.

Ilmakuva Hämeenlinnan taidemuseon rakennuksista

The Hämeenlinna Art Museum

The Hämeenlinna Art Museum is a diverse museum of visual arts near the centre of Hämeenlinna. The exhibitions feature both older Finnish art and the latest contemporary art styles.

The birth place of Jean Sibelius

Jean Sibelius

The birth home of Jean Sibelius now houses a cosy museum that features furniture and smaller items once owned by the families of the composer´s parents.

Our picks for you

Torin matkailuinfo

Hämeenlinna City Service point

Hämeenlinna City Service Point can help you explore the amazing things to see & do and places to stay. Don´t hesitate to contact us! Tel. +358 3 621 3370, tourist.info@hameenlinna.fi, address: Wetterhoffinkatu 2.

Lasinpuhaltaja tekee Aaltomaljakkoa Iittalan lasitehtaalla.

Iittala -design, arts and culture

The village of Iittala within the Hämeenlinna region is known as the glass manufacturing capital of Finland. It is an excellent centre for Finnish design, handicrafts and arts.

Ilmakuva Aulangon näkötornista usvaisessa maisemassa.

Aulanko - the beauty of Finnish nature

Aulanko has charmed visitors for more than a hundred years and even inspired Finland’s national composer Jean Sibelius - it is easy to see why. This unique nature reserve area in Hämeenlinna has beautiful Finnish natural scenery, natural forests and many possibilities for outdoor activities.

kolme lasta leikkii tyynysotaa Hämeenlinnan Arxilla

Things to do for families

Hämeenlinna offers a wide range of activities that are suitable for families and children of all ages. Here are some tips on where to spend your days in Hämeenlinna with kids.

How to get to Hämeenlinna

Hämeenlinna is only an hour away by car or by train from the largest cities in the Southern Finland as well as the airports in Helsinki, Turku and Tampere.