Day care, pre-primary education and schools
All children under school-age (7 years in Finland) have the right to day care in a municipal day care centre, family day care or private day care. Family day care is organised either in the child’s home or the day care caregiver’s home.
Day care supports the child’s growth and development. Day care is normally payable, but the parents’ income affects the amount to be paid.
Day care provides pre-primary education for the child before starting school at the age of six. All 6-year-olds can participate in free pre-primary education.
Day care services
You can choose from different types of day care services for your child who is under 7 years (school age):
- municipal day care and family day care
- child care at home with the home care allowance for families with children under the age of 3
- arranging day care using the private day care allowance or a voucher
- open club activities
Please remember to enrol your child at least 4 months before you wish to begin their early childhood education. You can handle all matters related to child care and early childhood education online.
Pre-primary education
Pre-primary education refers to the free education provided to children one year before they enter the comprehensive school. Your child also has the right to free pre-primary education in the year preceding their compulsory education in cases where the start of their comperehensive school period has been postponed by a year or a decision has been made to extend their compulsory education.
In Hämeenlinna, pre-primary education is usually arranged at day care centres. Hämeenlinna is also home to numerous so-called “metsäeskari” (forest pre-primary education) groups, where children spend their days outdoors learning and strengthening their nature relationship.
Comprehensive school education
Apply for a school place online using the online application (open all year round, any grades).
Note: If your child does not yet have a Finnish social security number, please use the suffix AXXXX at the end of ID (ddmmyyAXXXX). Your application will be processed within 2 weeks and you will get a confirmation message about your child´s school place directly from the admitting school.
The schools in Hämeenlinna use the online tool Wilma for communication between home and school.
There are 22 comprehensive schools in Hämeenlinna. Every school in Hämeenlinna has its own pages where you can search for school-specific information.
Youth services
Youth services operate in youth facilities and schools, organise events and camps, and support the participation and influence of young people. Outreaching youth work helps young people gain access to various services.
You can reach the city’s youth workers in the city’s youth facilities and schools as well as on social media. Don’t hesitate to contact us!
One-Stop Guidance Center
The Stage Hämeenlinna One-Stop Guidance Center brings together the services for young people under the age of 30 under one roof with the aim of facilitating access to services and helping young people find the direction of their future.
The One-Stop Guidance Center is open Mon-Thu between 9am and 3pm. The One-Stop Guidance Center offers a wide range of services without appointment, but you can also reserve an appointment whenever necessary. The custodians, relatives and close friends of a young person can also contact the One-Stop Guidance Center. The services of the One-Stop Guidance Center are free and optional.
Hämeenlinna recognised as a child-friendly municipality
The City of Hämeenlinna was the first city in Finland to be recognised as a child-friendly municipality by UNICEF in 2013. This recognition has since been renewed 2 times and remains valid.
The recognition is awarded to municipalities that commit themselves to sustainable development work that aims to increase the participation of children and young people.